2019年5月18日 星期六

Happy birthday Mrs. Long


Dear Mrs. Long, Happy birthday.

My daughter Rose getting married on April 20. You gave the name while she borned.  Grace Tan


 Dear Mrs. Long. I am Eloise, May the Lord bless you, Happy birthday.  Love you always.


Dear Mrs. Long, Happy birthday.

Many years ago while I serve at Hospital board. and we both Paul Han and Me went to your home  have breakfast with your lovely family together. At beginning, Dr. Long lead us pray and ask all of us Hand In Hand . it is impressive. I did learn from you. and starting it at my family immediately. Thank you.

Welcome visit Taiwan. I will meet you at your convenience.



祝福  龍師母生日大大喜樂平安,主恩伴隨,凡事興盛!  李明福  駱麗華

From left: Iciyang, Ms.Cho, A-So, Ms.Du, Mr.Hsu(son of A-So)

From foward right : Hwan Hsiao-n (1st. daughter) & her son, daugter, Iciyang, Brother Hwang

From rear right: Mr. Hsieh( 1st. son in law, 3rd. daughter Hsiao-Lan, Mr.Chang(3rd. son in law, 2nd.daughter Hsiao –fong


Mrs. Long,  Happy birthday. May God bless you and your whole family  John Pan

