作者喬治高, 1912年5月29日生於密西根州安娜堡,3歲隨父母返國。求學在中國,1933年燕京大學畢業後就隨父母移居美國。先在密蘇里大學讀新聞系,再往哥大讀國際關係,拿了兩個碩士,定居美國早已滿一花甲了。P.226
Truthful words are not beautiful;
beautiful words are not truthful.
Translations are like women. If they are
beautiful, they are not faithful; if they are faithful, they are not beautiful.
Euphemism 委婉詞
死了用Pass away, pass on, depart from this
world, gone to his Maker 代替 die. 但是英文沒有gone immortal(仙逝)的辭 貧窮用 underprivileged 代替 poor
但是,令尊、令堂、府上呢? 呆板的譯成: Your honorable father/mother/house/family…西洋人根本無此說法。
我們對肢體的某些部位或排泄作用好像不太敏感。屁股 buttocks 撒尿 piss
英美社會千方百計避著 hips, backside, rear end, fanny,
butt. 上廁所 to the
rest room, to the john. 尿尿 urinate,
piss 當然不美;一位高手指教 obeying the call of nature.
未婚同居 live-in
companion/partner/pal 等。同居人 significant
多年前,一位16歲的日本留美學生服部剛文(Yosihiro Harttori) 在萬聖節前夕被人一槍打死,因為不懂說Freeze! 是啥用意。(Don’t move or
I’ll shoot!)
聯合國創始會議1945 中的好戲:宋子文的演講 問:據您看,日本在戰後……………………。答:我隨然是中國人,我是從密蘇里來的,讓我看見我才相信。密蘇里州的諢號是Show-me State.
I am completely clueless as to what’s on
his mind. 完全無法知道
Push the envelope. (Push the
limits. 盡量推動)
He is clean as a hound’s tooth. 形容清廉:他向狗牙一般乾淨
To find all about the U.S., reading this
book is better than casing the
It’boffo! We’re quite encouraged.
They’re boffo. His colloeagues in the
house compare it to War and Peace.